Naše platforma Lorgar Platform je zářným příkladem každodenního vývoje naší značky. Vášnivě pracujeme na vylepšování Lorgar Platform, soustavně přidáváme hodnotu a rozvíjíme příslib kvality a inovací naší značky.
S potěšením oznamujeme novou aktualizaci pro Lorgar Platform, která má rozšířit uživatelské funkce a zjednodušit uživatelské prostředí. Všem uživatelům bylo zasláno automatické oznámení, které je zve k vyzkoušení nejnovějších vylepšení naší platformy.
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Přečtěte si více informací o funkcích aktualizace:
• The user agreement (Privacy Policy) has been updated on the desktop version. A pop-up window now appears, reminding users of the need to consent to the new privacy rules.
• Added an auto-scroll feature to the button list, scrolling down after adding a mouse or keyboard button.
• Display settings for Stricter 579 mouse are now saved in profiles. All configured images and texts are instantly applied when selecting a profile.
• Improvements have been made to the user interface for RayON light effect profiles.
• Synchronization of previously created profiles and new backlight settings (brightness and speed) has been added.
• In advanced statistics, there is now a button above the keyboard bar chart to display the total or average value.
• Pop-up windows in fullscreen mode (profile and dpi switching) are now non-clickable.
• Improved image quality of the logo on the Stricter 579 mouse display.
• On the Stricter 579 mouse display, when selecting an image in the Select section for the first time, the logo image is now displayed instead of a blank screen.
• On the Stricter 579 mouse display, if a square image format is selected in the Select section, it will no longer stretch but remain square.
• Text on the Stricter 579 mouse display is now more readable thanks to a font change to Arial Black.
• When resetting Stricter 579 mouse settings, it returns to the Lorgar logo.
• The character limit in Stricter 579 mouse settings has been restricted to 12 to avoid entering excessively long texts.
• The “Max” line has been removed from the tooltip for bar charts (it was created for the background, but the Max line itself was removed, and the background was left).
• Bug fixed: Hover on the profiles page, which appeared when hovering over an empty space.
• Bug fixed: The issue of dpi hanging at 1200 has been resolved.
• Bug fixed: Time display in the annual filter of advanced statistics has been corrected.